Removal Is Hailed The Mayor said nothing about concessions to the union but hailed the decision to remove the billboard advertisements.
The Mayor hailed New York as "not only the world's most diverse city but also the world's most cosmopolitan and tolerant city."
The Mayor wrote to his old colleague from the civil rights movement and hailed him as a "moral voice" for the times, though he still clearly has reservations about his political tactics.
At yesterday's news conference, the Mayor, flanked by Mr. Vallone and about 20 Council members who are supporters of the bill, hailed the bill as being balanced, fair and the outgrowth of compromise from all parties.
City aldermen are heading toward a showdown with Mayor John C. Daniels over an agreement with Yale University that the Mayor hailed as historic but they call a giveaway.
Afterward, the Mayor enthusiastically hailed his weeklong stint as a juror in a case that featured testimony ranging from the tedious to the tawdry, saying it had renewed his faith in the jury system.
THIS city's Mayor and business leaders are hailing the decision last month to reverse an antitrust agreement that had put Macy's, this city's oldest department store, on a list of stores that had to shut down.
Transport for London's press release is headed "Mayor hails new measures in 2012 to deliver cleaner air for London," but in fact Boris has delayed bringing in these measures by 15 months.
Only two Mayors since 1933 hailed from outside Manhattan.
While the Mayor and labor leaders hailed their cooperative spirit, there were signs of division within the unions.