But he made it clear that he felt the 71-year-old Mayor, who recently won a fifth term, had lost his ethical compass.
The Mayor said all the city employees were suspended without pay and would almost certainly lose their jobs after disciplinary proceedings.
More important, they say, the Mayor lost a golden opportunity to make systemic change.
We have to better address the costs of immigration to the American people, or else in the end the Mayor will lose his case.
Their feud had turned into a personality contest and the Mayor was losing.
The fight became so intense recently that the Mayor lost his job over it.
But many of those at yesterday's meeting said that the Mayor could lose their vote unless the project is scrapped altogether.
The Council and Mayor lost that right to the control board as part of the new legislation.
The Mayor also lost last November in a western region where his previous performances had been strong.
It is easy to lose track of the cases the Mayor has lost.