The Mayor countered that he was responsible for providing the city's children with numerous educational options and would push ahead with the plan without the Chancellor.
The cuts come on top of the $1.1 billion in spending reductions the Mayor pushed through the City Council as the budget took effect last July.
The former Mayor, Thomas V. Barnes, pushed hard for the boats because of the jobs, tourists and tax dollars they promised to pull in.
In earlier years, the Mayor has pushed for more police in the schools and more control over school security matters.
To make sure that neither the Mayor nor the Governor can push through a measure unacceptable to the other, eight votes are required for major decisions.
Mayors in the South Island and other supporters pushed for having the road built.
The Council is trying to regain clout it lost when the Mayor pushed his original budget through without much opposition.
The Mayor had pushed aggressively during the late 1970's and early 1980's to have many nonprofit groups put back on the tax rolls.
Would it be 12 fares for the price of 10, the deal the City Council Speaker and the Mayor have been pushing?
The Mayor poured the coins into his palm and pushed at them with a fat finger, grunting.