They said in January, when the Mayor released his preliminary budget for the next fiscal year, that his plan was unrealistic.
Then on Friday, the Mayor released an angry letter to the Governor, denouncing his proposed cuts in criminal justice.
Citing the legal constraints, which he did not challenge publicly, the Mayor released only a five-sentence summary of the former judge's report.
Since then, the Mayor has released a proposed budget for the coming fiscal year that would cut city spending by $1.1 billion.
Or, as Mr. Rosen put it in an interview the day before the Mayor released his preliminary budget, "It's hard to hold on to money."
He was infuriated when the Mayor released the victim's police record.
"The Mayor released waterfront plans a month ago and there is a new burst of commitment and enthusiasm to revitalize the waterfront."
Once the Mayor releases his final budget proposal, it goes to the City Council for approval.
The Mayor released a draft of the report yesterday and said he either had or would implement its six largely bureaucratic recommendations.
Neither the Mayor nor the Council has released details of the Council's plan.