The Mayor of Korias has finally set seal to my claim.
City officials maintain that planning for the closing began long before the Mayor set a date last year and has always been readily shared with local residents.
The Mayor set the cannon charge and the race got under way.
His critics, meanwhile, ask whether the Mayor is setting the right example and have attacked his attitude about the matter.
The Mayor had set as a goal for his trip the promoting of economic ties between his city and South Africa.
The Mayor also sets the structure and level of public transport fares in London.
The Mayor did not set a specific figure, but he said the cost would be small.
He said the Mayor had set so many obstacles in Westhelp's way that the project would "bleed to death from 1,000 cuts."
The Mayor sets the tone, the ethical standards and moral direction of the city.
The Mayor set the tone for this meeting with his opening comment, "You're all under arrest."