The Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg unveiled Ireland's national monument to the Fighting 69th in Ballymote on August 22, 2006.
On Friday the Mayor unveiled a good-news budget fueled by Wall Street profits that don't even recognize the sky as a limit.
The all-night session included little of the harsh criticism of the budget that had been prevalent at City Hall in the two months after the Mayor unveiled his plan.
On 5 September 2010, the Mayor of Brighton & Hove City Council unveiled a replica tablet commemorating the Chain Pier.
But even before the Mayor could formally unveil the contingency list as part of his budget proposal today, there were indications that he might be turned down in Albany.
We have a library full of plans, and the Mayor has just unveiled another one.
Worse fiscal news follows later this month when the Mayor and the Governor unveil their budgets.
Last Monday, the Mayor unveiled a series of proposals aimed at curbing crime.
Washington's Mayor, Marion S. Barry Jr., recently unveiled a proposal to fill in part of the river for a 78,000-seat, $230 million football stadium.
In 2003, the Mayor of Wrocław, in an attempt to continue the new tradition, unveiled a small plaque on the door of The Dwarfs' Museum.