In the recent company deals, Medicaid programs had to make room for the excluded drugs.
And Medicaid programs for the indigent, which have similar drug restrictions in many states, cover 25.2 million people.
In all, Medicaid programs spent $27.5 billion on drugs.
He said the public and politicians feel that once prenatal care is included in Medicaid programs, "they've solved the problem."
Under the Republican proposal, Medicaid programs would be subject to the same limits in all states.
The country's Cadillac of Medicaid programs is just too expensive, says he.
The law further expanded Medicaid program in the state.
As a result, Medicaid programs vary a great deal from state to state.
Under federal law, drug companies must sell drugs to Medicaid programs at their lowest price.
The largest single grant was nearly $5 million to restore cuts to Medicaid programs.