As the medical detectives met, they had only the bit of skin to test.
As a result, the medical detectives had to dig deeper.
The medical detectives are also looking for evidence of contamination in her mail.
Thus, a new strain is born and medical detectives must begin again the search for drugs that will work.
One frustration for medical detectives is that the science of polio-hunting forces them always to be a few weeks behind the virus.
Depending on what they learn from those who agree to cooperate, the medical detectives may repeat the process with each infected partner.
Fifty years ago, the federal government set up an elite corps of medical detectives to counter a threat it hoped never to face.
Having been put at ease, the inspectors would be more likely to allow themselves to be guided along, rather than play medical detectives.
Establishing a death rate for a disease like bird flu is a moving target for medical detectives.
Off she goes, digging anyway, 100 pounds of pert but indomitable medical detective.