The Medicare agency insists that the new judges would have full independence in making their decisions.
The Medicare agency said it was working with insurers to resolve the "enrollment discrepancies."
Federal officials said the scheme was discovered by the Atlanta regional office of the Medicare agency, which covers eight Southern states.
The report produced criticism of the Medicare agency.
These steps illustrate fiscal problems at the Medicare agency, which provides health care for 38 million people who are elderly or disabled.
The new Medicare agency could grant increases up to a maximum matching the growth of premiums in the private insurance market.
And the federal Medicare agency does not have enough people with the skills needed to evaluate advances in medical technology.
The Medicare agency, which can barely perform all its existing responsibilities, will face immense challenges in getting the new program started by January.
As a result, the judges often grant benefits previously denied by the Medicare agency or its contractors.
The Medicare agency, aware of such concern, says it will soon propose new rules defining its criteria for coverage.