"They look like giant hairy birds or something out of a medieval bestiary," said Con.
The hypnalis is a legendary creature described in medieval bestiaries.
An echeneis is a legendary creature described in medieval bestiaries.
Hercinia is a bird with glowing feathers from Medieval bestiaries.
On the one hand, we find Mauro recording material in his journal better suited to the pages of a medieval bestiary.
The Etymologiae was much copied, particularly into medieval bestiaries.
Later still, in a Medieval bestiary, three courageous birds are shown in the act of attacking an owl's head.
The Calingi in Medieval bestiaries were a race of extremely short-lived people.
The creature passed into medieval bestiaries and heraldry, where it represents proud defence.
The Macrocephali in Medieval bestiaries were a race of humanoids with large heads.