It is found in Mediterranean woodlands and shrublands.
In broad terms, the typical vegetation of Andalusia is Mediterranean woodland, characterized by leafy xerophilic perennials, adapted to the long, dry summers.
The track which surrounds the mountain passes in well-developed Mediterranean woodlands.
It is native to Europe and western Asia where it grows in a variety of habitats ranging from semi-arid Mediterranean woodlands to wetter situations.
The Mediterranean woodlands and forests were home to a large variety of large mammals.
The fauna of the Mediterranean woodlands and forests contains both African as European influences and is in this respect unique in the world.
Mediterranean woodlands and forests (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia)
This mountainous barrier receives a substantial amount of precipitation and snow, and enjoys a thick forest cover, mainly Mediterranean woodlands and forests.
Mediterranean woodlands, which act as a curtain, reducing the impact of this phenomenon, are being mercilessly destroyed by these fires.
It is also clear that Mediterranean woodland is at much greater risk than northern European woodland.