In over-the-counter trading, shares of the little-known Mentor Corporation rose $5.125, to $40.125.
For those reasons, he is more pleased by the prospects of the Mentor Corporation, a diversified medical company in Santa Barbara, Calif.
The Mentor Corporation said the Food and Drug Administration had approved a new drug for treating incontinence in men but not in women.
The panel chairman called the 7-to-2 vote to approve an application by the company, the Mentor Corporation, unexpected.
The vote against data for both was 9 to 1, as was the vote against data by the Mentor Corporation.
Also a buy, at about 11, is the Mentor Corporation of Goleta, Calif., Mr. Haimovitch said.
Mentor Corporation, which makes silicone implants, said it supports the product labeling.
Another company, the Mentor Corporation, has also applied to the F.D.A. to market its silicone breast implant.
Five implant makers have left the business in the last year, leaving only the Mentor Corporation and the McGhan Medical Corporation.
He later worked for Amgen before joining Mentor Corporation where he is the Vice President of Information Technology.