In quest for a phylogeny of Mesozoic mammals.
It is possible that during the later Mesozoic small mammals began to co-exist with the much larger dinosaurs because the ecological roles had become separated.
This is the strongest evidence that Mesozoic mammals fed on dinosaurs, though there were earlier indications of this.
Like most Mesozoic mammals, it was a shrewish-sized animal.
If true, this may be the first known evidence of Mesozoic mammals feeding on dinosaurs (see Repenomamus).
This is the strongest evidence that Mesozoic mammals fed on dinosaurs, creating interest in the popular press.
Dryolestidae was an abundant and diverse group of Mesozoic mammals.
Maotherium belongs to an extinct group of Mesozoic mammals called symmetrodonts.
The allotheres was a branch of successful Mesozoic mammals.
A length of 1-2 cm is more typical for Mesozoic mammals.