According to the Meta Group, a research firm, nearly 90 percent of large organizations have some type of intranet.
Craig Roth, program director for the Meta Group, said the value could depend on a company's internal structure and type of business.
Another initial public offering, Meta Group, increased 7 1/2, to 25 1/2.
"There's not enough to turn around," said Dale Kutnick, president of the Meta Group, a market research firm.
He is a systems analyst at Meta Group, a computer software consulting company in Westport, Conn.
David Willis, an analyst at the Meta Group in Stamford, Conn., agrees.
About 600 corporations listened in on a conference call last week by the META Group, an information technology consulting firm with a large list of big clients.
"That will take away the most impressive advantage Banyan has," Mr. Michnoff of the Meta Group said.
Critical Path has "done a remarkable pullback from the abyss," said Matt Cain, an analyst with the Meta Group, a research firm.
From July 2002 to August 2004, Amoroso was the president, chief executive officer, and vice chairman of Meta Group, an information technology research and advisory firm.