During the 19th century, excavations in Eastcheap for the new Metropolitan District Railway, revealed the foundations of the church.
The C Stock was built for the Metropolitan District Railway in 1910.
First served by Metropolitan District Railway trains in 1902, it has been exclusively a London Underground station since 1962.
Later the Metropolitan District Railway expanded its services to the west of London.
Between 1 March 1883 and 30 September 1885 the branch was also served by the Metropolitan District Railway.
It was also the parent company from 1902 of the Metropolitan District Railway, which it electrified between 1903 and 1905.
In 1872 he devised a scheme where trains on the Metropolitan District Railway automatically turned signals to red as they passed them.
Electrification of the Metropolitan District Railway was completed in 1905.
No. 22 was sold to the Metropolitan District Railway in 1925 and scrapped in 1931.
They were the prototype electric units tested by the Metropolitan District Railway.