The company has also produced a series of 30-minute infomercials, running in Mexico, for an association of Mexican bankers.
The investigation produced 160 indictments, including 3 Mexican banks and 26 Mexican bankers.
Just how much competition the new banks represent worries Mexican bankers.
The Mexican bankers arrested Saturday had planned on a much more celebratory weekend.
Of 18 banks the Government sold off, only 5 still operate today under the control of the Mexican bankers who bought them.
Mexican bankers working with the drug organizations then converted the funds into cashier's checks made out to fictitious individuals.
That was a rare public statement by a Mexican banker acknowledging any sense of crisis.
Even Mexican bankers grumbled, although they welcomed Citibank's injection of capital into the system.
And Mexican bankers have asked the Government to allow them to offer dollar checking accounts, which now are forbidden.
Two days after we completed the shaft, a group of Mexican bankers and treasury officials came to tour the vault.