The Mexican embassy in Budapest was opened on September 30, 1976.
The strike organization said it would not relent on its demands and called for supporters to organize protests across Mexico and at Mexican embassies overseas.
Contact the Mexican embassy or nearest consulate (located in just about every major city in the US) for more info.
Argüello refused to resign as president but finally agreed to go to the Mexican embassy as an exile".
This furniture has made it way to many Mexican embassies and the style is known as Rangelino.
In 1938, she used her family's connections to obtain a chancellor post at the Mexican embassy in Paris.
The last time we visited, the Mexican embassy was having a party here.
His interest in politics was triggered in the years his father served here as counselor of the Mexican embassy.
Because the regulations sometimes change, it's wise to confirm them with a Mexican embassy or consulate before you go.
The list changes sometimes; check well ahead of travel with your local Mexican embassy or consulate.