Because George Bush caved to the Mexican farmers, these family businesses are getting eaten alive.
What I mean is, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of Mexican farmers back in the hills growing the poppies on a small scale.
To say that our subsidies are hurting Mexican farmers is ridiculous.
But what happens when Mexican farmers have been sold on fancy new hybrids and their traditional varieties have become extinct?
It could be compared to the actual incident happened to the Mexican farmers.
For example, the Fairtrade standard was developed based on pilot projects with Mexican farmers.
Some hours later he returned with a dozen Mexican farmers leading a horse laden with trading goods.
The measure is extremely unpopular with Mexican farmers.
Yet Mexican farmers are so poor that cane is their best assurance of a steady income.
Here, however, the community in trouble is not a village of Mexican farmers but a settlement of Seminoles and former slaves.