Guerrero is a Mexican national hero.
This is my version of a pass made famous by our Mexican hero Gaona.
In the early morning darkness a few weeks ago, someone bombed a statue of Venustiano Carranza, the Mexican revolutionary hero.
Upside: Fernando Valenzuela, a Mexican naitonal hero, may come up in the rotation.
More than five months later on March 7, 1998, the war between Mexican heroes finally took place live on pay per view from Mexico City.
They also have silk capes embroidered with images of Mexican heroes.
Underneath the statue is a series of murals about the life of this Mexican hero.
He was frequently excluded from public projects as his works did not relate to Mexican heroes or Mexican folkloric themes.
The withdrawal came before promoters had even found an opponent for Chavez, a Mexican hero who is 87-0.
Her imagery mostly consisted of popular personages with her graphic work focusing on Mexican heroes.