The police said today that an autopsy on a Mexican priest found dead in Jerusalem's holiest church showed that he had died of overeating.
Marciel was a Mexican priest and the leader of the Legion of Christ for many decades.
Excluding foreign religious, over 4,100 Mexican priests were eliminated by emigration, expulsion and assassination.
Although Hidalgo was educated as a priest in the traditional way, he did not advocate or live the lifestyle expected of 18th-century Mexican priests.
Interviews with "experts," ranging from an American labor organizer to a Mexican priest, are there for those who want sociological analysis.
The property was sold to the Catholic church and from 1937 until 1972 served as a training site for Mexican priests.
It is not unknown for Mexican priests to have significant others, but it is kept hidden and numbers are not known.
In addition, Mexican priests were told they would have to register with the Government before being granted permission to perform their religious duties.
If his parish had a Mexican priest, he added, that could help turn away young people from drugs and gangs.
As he proceeded to the next room, he was followed by the Mexican American priests.