Many other Americans are also feeling reassured about buying in Mexico, and as a result, the real estate market in Mexican resorts is exploding.
Mexican resorts are popular with many North American residents, with Mexico being the second most visited country in the Americas.
Twenty-three countries approved the plan at the 46th meeting of the whaling commission, which ended Friday at this Mexican resort.
But unlike socialites past, they did not choose Paris, a Caribbean island or a Mexican resort.
What better place to get the real thing than a Mexican resort that just happens to be located in the state where all tequila is produced?
Many can afford to take spring break trips to Mexican resorts or Europe.
The six-day festival opened yesterday in the Mexican resort.
In an effort to compensate for this, the airline introduced service to Mexican resorts, where most travel takes place in the winter.
In later years, he became the artist in residence of a Mexican resort, where he created paintings for every room in the resort.
At present, it is along with Acapulco the Mexican resort best known in the world.