And the lower Mexican tariffs on imports also proved to be a plus - finally making affordable the foreign machinery needed to improve quality and produce in large quantities.
And Mexican tariffs, though sharply lower than a few years ago, are still hovering around 10 percent.
More Export Activity Because the Chevy comes from Spain for the time being, it is subject to import limitations and a 20 percent Mexican tariff.
There are agreements to seek a quick lowering of Mexican tariffs against potatoes, dry beans, cream cheese and wine.
The Mexican tariffs on some goods purchased in the United States could run as high as 50 to 100 percent.
Next year, the Mexican tariff will decline to 10 percent on cars, and will be eliminated after 10 years.
The Mexican average tariff per m3 (US$0.32) is about half of the average in Latin America and the Caribbean (US$0.65).
Mexican tariffs against American products currently average about 13 percent, while American tariffs against Mexican goods average 6 percent.
Nafta would lower Mexican tariffs by a lot and U.S. tariffs, because they are already low, only a little.
Until two years ago, they were daunted by Mexican tariffs on housewares of 100 percent.