It explores the struggle of a Mexican-American family to become American and yet not be pulled apart by a maelstrom of cultural forces.
This is a quiet, sentimental but compelling story of a migrant Mexican-American family in the 1950's.
"I grew up in a Mexican-American family," he said.
In the author's words, the play deals with "borders between family members and between countries; it's about a Mexican-American family that goes back to Mexico."
Many Irwindalians are related, and some powerful Mexican-American families play a big role in civic affairs.
Lucy's home is portrayed as a low-income, Mexican-American family.
Aside from that notable insight, this is an unimpressive sitcom about a Mexican-American family newly moved into the middle class.
A section of the community, located east of the railroad, was set aside for Mexican and Mexican-American families.
Viramontes was born into a Mexican-American family.
The unfortunate thing was, back then the thinking in many Mexican-American families was that girls did not need an education.