Like the football team, they took their name from the same city park and played an important role in development of soccer in the Miami Valley.
It includes a museum where visitors can learn about the Indian history of the Miami Valley.
In 1934, it was started as Goodwill Industries of the Miami Valley.
The FireHawks would win their next game against Miami Valley, 26-8.
Interstate 71 - Runs north to south along the eastern half of the Miami Valley.
They work together in a partnership with students, parents, associate schools, communities, and business and industry throughout the Miami Valley.
It is the only ballet school in the Miami Valley associated with a professional dance company.
He began: "This beautiful and far-famed Miami Valley is the garden spot of the world."
It is the only school in the Miami Valley that is linked to a professional dance company.
He investigated the flora of the Miami Valley in Ohio.