The Miami-Dade police are conducting a criminal investigation into the caseworker and guardian who were supposed to protect the missing 5-year-old Rilya Wilson, court documents released today show.
The Miami-Dade police weren't far behind.
The Miami-Dade police and the Department of Children and Families say they do not consider the grandmother a suspect.
"We have nothing," said Detective Lupo Jimenez, a spokesman for the Miami-Dade police.
In October 2004 Miami-Dade police arrested Daniel Acosta after he offered injections to a detective posing as a client.
Arthur McDuffie (-1979) - An African American, whose death at the hands of Miami-Dade police caused one of the worst riots in United States history.
The Miami-Dade police thus far have declined to release any further information about the specific circumstances of the shooting until they finish interviewing witnesses, but have ruled the death a homicide.
The Miami-Dade police said the explosion did not appear to be a terrorist act.
The incident began about 11 a.m. when two armed men tried to rob a mail truck driven by Tanya Mitchell, 32, the Miami-Dade police said.
The Miami-Dade police said there had been no injuries, and no damage to Ms. Reno's truck.