Sotheby's is touting a Michelangelo drawing, to be auctioned on Wednesday.
Sotheby's estimates that the lot will bring $332,640 to $498,960 - cheap for a Michelangelo drawing.
Except for the Michelangelo drawing, which is on loan, all the paintings were on exhibit when the fire broke out.
Michelangelo drawings: closer to the master, 2005.
Forged Michelangelo drawings, for instance, are being sold by clever dealers constantly.
(Mr. Woodner wrote the catalogue entry attributing the Michelangelo drawing, for instance.)
We didn't have a Michelangelo drawing, and British museums have many.
(Michelangelo drawings sell for millions of dollars now.)
There are fewer than a dozen Michelangelo drawings in the United States.
"We're incredibly lucky to have over 100 Michelangelo drawings in London," he said.