Jordan's military is already at its highest level of alert since the 1967 Middle East war.
Israel has administered the two territories since it seized them in the 1967 Middle East war.
The 1967 Middle East war, he said, "was started simply because there was conflict about water."
Israel captured those lands in the 1967 Middle East war.
As a 21-year-old lieutenant in the 1973 Middle East war, he twice jumped to another tank when his was destroyed.
We used to worry about a Middle East war.
Schools here still follow the curriculum of Jordan, which controlled the area until the 1967 Middle East war.
Israel gained control with its victory in the 1967 Middle East war.
Israel captured the eastern part of the city, including the religious shrine, in the 1967 Middle East war.
An article warns that a Middle East war may be imminent.