The three storied battlemented tower was built in the 15th century by the Middleton family who sold it to the Harbottles in 1502.
The Middleton family and estate records are held in the archives of the Northumberland Record Office.
If you're looking at the altar, you have the Royal family on the right-hand side and the Middleton family on the left.
Just last week, as rumours of an engagement gained a hold, I visited the Berkshire village where the Middleton family lives.
The Middleton family from Oswestry built a mansion here in the early 17th century.
Writer tells about the Middleton family and visits the town of Bucklebury, where they live.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge comes from a branch of a Middleton family.
It is even suggested that he was responsible for trying to obtain pictures of the Middleton family during their Christmas lunch.
The hall was the residence of the Middleton family until 1962.
McGregor (35) - A pirate who stood out after he had beaten the Middleton family.