In 1973, they established Millay Colony for the Arts on the seven acres around the house and barn.
In 2004, Childress was awarded a $5,000 fellowship to the exclusive Millay Colony for the Arts, a prestigious writer's retreat in upstate New York.
Contributions in her memory may be made to MS Society Partnership with Children or The Millay Colony for the Arts.
He has also attended Ledig House International and The Millay Colony, where he was The New York Times Foundation fellow for 2008.
The Millay Colony for the Arts, founded in 1973 by Norma Millay Ellis, sister of the poet, is also located at Steepletop.
She has been a resident at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the Millay Colony.
Kenny Fries first officially started writing in 1988 after he had begun attending Millay Colony for the Arts.
The Millay Colony for the Arts is an artist residency program in Austerlitz, New York.
The evening will benefit the Millay Colony for the Arts, in Austerlitz, N.Y. Drinks at 6:30 will be followed by dinner and the performance.