The website Miller had created to promote his idea on-line has also long since ceased to exist.
Miller has already created some minor waves.
Miller has created his own unique version of English grammar, one that even many sovereign citizens find hard to understand or accept.
Miller created the idea for the machine by filming his daughter running alongside a car, while watching the motion of her legs.
And maybe as a center fielder Miller will finally create that impact.
In catching this phenomenon, Miller created a great role on the American stage.
After Westphal inserted Miller to create the larger lineup, the better rebounding led to more fast-break opportunities.
Besides creating a team popular with the fans, Miller also created a talented team which ran to a 9-2-8 record and a spot in the playoffs.
This inspired Miller to create his own music.
Miller also created Elektra, who straddled the conventional boundary between love interest and villain.