That includes Harrisburg airport, near Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, for private plane operations, and the Groton-New London airport near Millstone Point, in Connecticut.
Dominion Resources said yesterday that it was buying two nuclear reactors at Millstone Point, near New London, Conn., for $1.3 billion, from Northeast Utilities.
Wayne D. Lanning, the director of the commission's team that oversees Millstone Point, said in a telephone interview that the company was unable to manage the essential work effectively.
The plant site on Millstone Point in Waterford is about 11 miles north of the North Fork of Long Island, and about 25 miles north of the South Fork.
All three reactors at Millstone Point, which is in Waterford, Conn., near New London, were put on the commission's "watch list" of troubled plants on Jan. 31.
The market for electric power plants at a time of limited supply is a robust one, as evidenced by the $1.3 billion paid on Monday for the two reactors at Millstone Point near New London, Conn.
But increasingly, the confidence expressed is personal, based on faith in the friends and neighbors who work on Millstone Point, rather than trust in Northeast Utilities or its watchdog, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
People should be concerned, he said, over the existence of a nuclear dump on Millstone Point.
Hundreds of Safety Problems Typical of the company's difficulties is the case of two workers at Millstone Point, the Waterford complex of three reactors.
This month the academic journal Estuaries is publishing a study of the dirt and sand at the bottom of a cove on the other side of Millstone Point.