The Jawoyn are known for an unusual relationship they forged with a local mining corporation.
He and his parents had been in the mountains during the invasion, studying the planet's crust for the mining corporations.
Gillard got the job at the behest of the giant mining corporations.
There were four oil companies, a fishing concern, two mining corporations, and a communications conglomerate listed.
The effort was a joint venture between the United States Government and several mining corporations.
And there's a loophole in the federal law that releases bankrupt mining corporations from responsibility of cleanup costs.
It was one of the few Plymouth colleries to remain independent of the large mining corporations.
This system, though, was too unreliable to provide a permanent labour force and was not acceptable to the mining corporations.
The game begins with a miners' uprising to overthrow the heartless mining corporation on Mars.
I'm delighted you've decided to increase your quota, and our mining corporations should have no trouble meeting any requirements.' '