The Children's Ministry offers classrooms for infants up to fifth graders.
Also during this year the Ministry of Defence offered the Bulwark to the Peruvian Navy.
The Government considers him so harmless that the Ministry of Islamic Guidance now offers to arrange visits to his comfortable apartment in central Teheran.
He taught briefly at the Air Service College before the Ministry of Aviation offered him a post as an assistant signals officer.
But some trade experts say the Ministry of International Trade and Industry has deliberately offered misleading figures in some of its defenses.
On September 30, 2008, the court ordered that the Ministry of Justice offers Taşcă the filed he asked for.
The Ministry offered him a job and he moved to Baghdad in 1977.
In 2011, the Ministry of Economic Development offered the plant for sale by competitive tender.
While in Paris, the Danish Ministry of Culture offered Qadri a show, including traveling expenses and a stipend.
The Ministry of International Trade and Industry is offering loans as well as advice to small factories.