Officials of the Minneapolis company said consumers should see the lower prices soon after they go into effect on May 2.
It was later sold to a Minneapolis company.
Realizing that his children were not interested in the Minneapolis company, he decided to hire an outsider as president.
The Minneapolis company had more than 28.1 million common shares outstanding as of Dec. 31.
In doing so, the Minneapolis company seems to have carved out a unique and profitable slice of the growing market for environmental services.
But the Minneapolis company, the first to go into the business of managing public schools for profit, has faced nothing but trouble.
The Minneapolis company was hardly alone in instituting such changes.
The Minneapolis company was doing contract work for the Navy in cryptography.
Education Alternatives, a Minneapolis company, was operating at a loss.
Until now, the 10-year-old Minneapolis company has been most widely known for its management of nine public schools in Baltimore.