In 1985, a Minnesota-based company called Minstar, Inc. bought AMF Inc. and began to sell its various business divisions.
In 2011 Straub has continued as a celebrity guest for various Home & Garden Shows organized by the Minnesota-based company Marketplace Events.
And the Minnesota-based company earns convenience points for its clinics and eye-care centers, which hike the ease of one-stop shopping.
The Minnesota-based company lags behind the Gtech Corporation of West Greenwich, R.I., the leader in supplying computer equipment and services to lotteries.
The division promotes and assists in the expansion of exports and works with Minnesota-based companies that are interested in expansion.
The Minnesota-based company called Reside helped develop the functionality, using technology from
The web function was developed for the Obama transition team by the Minnesota-based company called Reside, and utilizes technology from
In 2000, Sheikhnor founded and became the President/CEO of a Rochester, Minnesota-based company called Primtec.
These are grown in Auburn, Ala., by a Minnesota-based company called Terry Farms, using a patented process developed in recent years by university researchers.
In Baltimore, Educational Alternatives Inc., a Minnesota-based company, has a five-year contract to manage and staff five city schools.