The story's protagonist is a lonely moonshiner named Miss Amelia who dominates a small Georgia town.
Miss Amelia lived in the cottage all of her long life, from 1841 to 1930.
Miss Amelia doesn't say much.
Then he fell in love with Miss Amelia.
He reformed, went to church, proposed to Miss Amelia and was accepted.
Miss Amelia looks frightened, so do the girls.
When the townspeople see this, they relate it to another odd incident in which Miss Amelia was also involved: the issue of her ten-day marriage.
When he was released, he returned to the town with the full intention of ruining Miss Amelia's life the way she ruined his.
The other half matched Miss Amelia's gown, which I know you've seen since you were the one who organized the making of it.
That she does find a goose, and at the last minute, is quite impressive to Miss Amelia.