For the eight years she has been in business, Miss Cole has avoided any sign of an inner bra.
"Still, there seems to be a strong demand," Miss Cole said.
The night of the play, Alice accidentally tears down the set, and everyone is upset at her, even Miss Cole.
Miss Cole, who has shown a collection under her own name for a few years, is one of the talents.
It's the kind of thing that makes designing swimsuits fun, Miss Cole observed.
Miss Cole, 26 years old, graduated from Brown University.
Miss Cole was indeed a beauty, with fashionably dark hair and an ethereal air, and her younger sister showed promise as well.
Someone pointed out that Miss Cole had been a hit modeling at the fashion show.
Miss Cole said the liquidators will now pursue their claim for the balance of the £580,000, plus interest bringing the total to more than £600,000.
At the end of this season he went with Miss Cole to Dublin.
For the eight years she has been in business, Miss Cole has avoided any sign of an inner bra.
"Still, there seems to be a strong demand," Miss Cole said.
The night of the play, Alice accidentally tears down the set, and everyone is upset at her, even Miss Cole.
Miss Cole, who has shown a collection under her own name for a few years, is one of the talents.
It's the kind of thing that makes designing swimsuits fun, Miss Cole observed.
Miss Cole, 26 years old, graduated from Brown University.
Miss Cole was indeed a beauty, with fashionably dark hair and an ethereal air, and her younger sister showed promise as well.
Someone pointed out that Miss Cole had been a hit modeling at the fashion show.
Miss Cole said the liquidators will now pursue their claim for the balance of the £580,000, plus interest bringing the total to more than £600,000.
At the end of this season he went with Miss Cole to Dublin.