At Seaside the juxtapositions reach an almost violent pitch that I suspect would have popped Miss Jekyll's spectacles.
He passed on Miss Jekyll's admonition to his client.
The other day, for instance, it was the portrait of Miss Jekyll, the lady gardener, that flashed before my inner eye.
(Miss Jekyll used to jump five-bar gates when no one was looking.)
The committee is trying to adhere to Miss Jekyll's plan, but Connecticut's climate required some concessions.
The garden, which will take six or seven years to mature, also reflects Miss Jekyll's belief in using local materials.
There will be a picket fence, and the paths Miss Jekyll designed are made from the flat granite stones that are common in Connecticut.
Granted, Miss Jekyll had tender sensibilities.
Blue and Gold has variegated foliage, while Miss Jekyll is a dwarf variety with small white blossoms.
A gardening enthusiast, she visited Miss Jekyll a few years before her death in 1930.