Pitts won her first pageant title in 2002 when she was crowned Miss Virginia.
She earned a spot at this pageant due to her second runner-up placement at Miss Virginia.
She won a $50,000 scholarship, beating out 52 other contestants, and became the third Miss Virginia to win the national title.
One day the young lady who was Miss Virginia at the time came and spoke at Caressa's school.
After the storm, Miss Virginia gets everyone to play a game.
When Miss Virginia, a woman who has looked adversity in the face and triumphed, took the crown, I was thrilled.
I think not; even if he did absent himself from fidelity with Miss Virginia, voters will see that as a private moral matter.
Bream won the title of Miss Virginia in 1990.
At the Miss Virginia 2006 pageant, she raised money for a $1500 scholarship named after her mother, given to the woman with the most work for children.
The former Miss Virginia was a stunning beauty with a gorgeous alto voice.