For its part, Mitsubishi Trust has been eager to learn more about and participate in the options and futures fields.
The joint venture will solidify what has been an informal but increasingly close-knit relationship between Mitsubishi Trust and Chicago Research.
The costs would have fallen further if Mitsubishi Trust had sent the 50 employees associated with those activities to IBM Japan.
The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation (3.49%)
Mitsubishi Trust, the largest trust bank with $209 billion in total funds, has $14 billion in international investments.
Mitsubishi Trust takes deposits, manages assets for both individuals and corportions, and also oversees corporate pension plans.
Mitsubishi Trust and Mitsubishi Bank together own 11.4 percent of the real estate company, and other members of the group own more shares.
The financing was provided by the Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Company.
Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corp.
And Mitsubishi Trust issued a statement saying it had indeed hired him for his political connections, among other things.