Over the next few years the restaurant earned numerous awards, including the James Beard Foundation, gourmet magazines, the Mobil Guide (five stars), and the Michelin Guide (three stars).
It has also received five out of five stars in the Forbes Travel Guide (formerly known as the Mobil Guide).
You know, we had for many years top ratings in The New York Times, Mobil Guide, all these things.
The Mobil Guide was an annual book of hotel and restaurant recommendations based on a system developed by Mobil in 1958.
The supply of the seven regional Mobil Guides in bookstores is raggedy as the year runs out.
Using Pope's 'Mobil Guide to the North Island' we were able to look up what was worth seeing in each of the towns we passed through.
Alice M. Wisel, editor of the seven regional Mobil Guides, estimated her guides eliminate on security grounds 1 percent of the 23,000 places they inspect in a year.
Frommer's books are 7 1/2 by 9 inches, the same size as the Mobil Guides, and like them they contain no advertisements.
He suggested the Motor House Motel, which has 219 standard rooms, is accorded two stars by the Mobil Guide and faces the visitor center for Colonial Williamsburg.
Yuba City, Calif., faulted for its unfluoridated water, mediocre schools and paucity of restaurants starred by the Mobil Guide, comes in dead last.