But they were classified as Mongols in Mongolian society.
The spiritual hierarchy in clan-based Mongolian society was complex.
Mongolian society is not very rich.
In the earliest known stages it was intricately tied to all other aspects of social life and to the tribal organization of Mongolian society.
According to Mongolian and Russian sources, the Mongolian society was generally satisfied with the theocracy but there were different views on future development of the country.
The division of Mongolian society into senior elite lineages and subordinate junior lineages was waning by the twentieth century.
The Mongolian society consisted essentially of two classes, the nobles and the commoners.
Klaus Hesse described the complex spiritual hierarchy in clan-based Mongolian society based on sources that go back to the 13th century.
The last sixty years of this period are marked by intensive penetration of Tibetan Buddhism into Mongolian society.
In some ways Mongolian society should react to that.