The plaque sits in front of a gated lot at 415 Monroe Street.
While his first address, 415 Monroe Street, burned down some 25 years ago, old neighbors remain.
There are 11 public housing projects in the neighborhood, all but one north of Monroe Street.
The bridge once carried Monroe Street but is now closed to traffic.
It comes through tall tales in the clubhouse at Monroe Street, which has a full view of the harbor from its back window.
In 1930, a five-story addition was built to the south along Monroe Street.
On Monroe Street, which was closed to cars, a woman chased a group of children, soaking them with a hose.
In 2010, the rail bridges over Monroe Street adjacent to the station were replaced.
Last night, the police sealed the room where the couple lived at 416 Monroe Street.
Greek music is also played on Monroe Street throughout the day.