Montezuma Creek also is the center of education of about 500 Navajos in the area.
A large feature in Montezuma Creek is Top of the World, it is a prime gathering and social spot for locals.
It then follows the former alignment of SR-163 to Montezuma Creek.
Travelling through the city of Montezuma Creek, the road intersects State Route 262.
Afterwards, the route turns east and then south for one last time before reaching the eastern terminus in Montezuma Creek.
There they met a band of "wild Payuchis" living in ten lodges on the bank near present-day Montezuma Creek.
Montezuma Creek is a tributary of the San Juan River.
Probably west of Montezuma Creek.
Go up to where the highway bends left, and take the right toward Montezuma Creek.
There are plans to build a large clinic at Montezuma Creek, but nothing has materialized as of 1999.