The original development area was bounded by 55th Avenue, Trask Street, Monticello Avenue and Camden Street.
Much more recently, another larger facility at 5201 Monticello Avenue, near State Route 199 has become the Williamsburg-James City County Courthouse.
The route ends at the Jefferson Parish/Orleans Parish Line adjacent to Monticello Avenue.
Monticello Avenue is a shopping district lined with many turn-of-the-century buildings with storefronts being brought back into use.
Monticello Avenue, which takes its name from mid 19th "suburban" development, is a shopping district lined with many turn-of-the-century buildings with storefronts being brought back into use.
An autobiographical work, "130 Monticello Avenue," uses a photograph, circa 1910, of the artist's grandfather standing in front of the family business, a bar in Jersey City.
SR 20 becomes Monticello Avenue on crossing Moores Creek into the city of Charlottesville.
Doumar's Cones and BBQ is a restaurant located at 1919 Monticello Avenue in Norfolk, Virginia.
AS soon as the ground thaws enough in the spring, construction is to begin to transform a blighted block of Monticello Avenue here into modern apartments and shops.
Monticello Station is situated in downtown Norfolk on Monticello Avenue between Charlotte and Freemason Streets.