The fraud against the Quebec government ie related to his alleged role in the handling of a $1.3-billion Montreal hospital construction and maintenance contract.
A couple days after his injury, he had to be rescued when a fire threatened the Montreal hospital he was convalescing at.
Yvonne Dionne, a member of the first recorded set of quintuplets to survive more than a few days, died on Saturday morning in a Montreal hospital.
The novel is set in a busy Montreal hospital in 1999.
On November 3, 2010, Clench died in a Montreal hospital after a battle with stage 4 lung cancer.
Burke was in New York, starting a new job as a right-handed closer, while his adopted 10-month-old daughter, Nicole, was back in a Montreal hospital.
Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, a Montreal hospital.
After the divorce became final in 1976, the children, then aged 12 and 9, returned to live with their mother, who was director of nursing at a Montreal hospital.
St. Mary's is the second Montreal hospital named in a widening inquiry on the medical records of patients with breast cancer who participated in the study.
He died at a Montreal hospital.