Moon Children are supposed to be produced when the devil or assorted demons have intercourse with human females.
According to legend, Moon Children grow into exceptionally evil adults with extraordinary powers.
This appears to be a variation of the Moon Children and succubus phenomenon so well known in religious and occult lore.
In 2003, Gackt worked on his film Moon Child.
In 2003, he worked on the script and starred in his film Moon Child.
A Moon Child in the Sky is an album by Tsukiko Amano.
"A Moon Child in the Sky"
Moon Child is written and illustrated by Reiko Shimizu.
The film received limited commercial release under the title The Moon Child, but failed to make much of an initial impression on audiences.
A young man (The Moon Child) is reincarnated every 25 years, with each life ending in a stay at a mission hotel.