He dropped out and became Frank Willard's assistant at the Tribune two months after Willard launched Moon Mullins in 1923.
On Moon Mullins, after starting on the lettering and backgrounds, Johnson gradually progressed to the point where he was handling the entire operation.
It was only after Willard's death that he began signing Moon Mullins.
After Willard's death in 1958, Johnson continued Moon Mullins until 1991, when it came to an end.
Kitty eventually joined the Moon Mullins cast as Kayo's girlfriend.
While assisting on Moon Mullins, Johnson remained active with other Tribune projects.
After Willard's death in 1958, he took over full responsibility for Moon Mullins.
Unlike many long-running newspaper comics, Moon Mullins did not have a period of decline; maintaining its high standard of humor and art for almost seven decades.
Shortly after Frank Willard began Moon Mullins in 1923, he hired Ferd Johnson as his assistant.
The single was credited to Mickey Hawks with Moon Mullins and his Night Raiders.