December 24: Earthrise, a photograph of the Earth, is taken from Moon orbit.
Some scientists speculate that it may be possible to obtain rocket fuel, such as hydrogen and oxygen, from lunar rock and this might be used to power a ship assembled in Moon orbit.
Having just turned 65, and with the Moon orbit at least a few years away, he said he might be too old for the rigors of the voyage.
December 24 - Apollo 8 enters Moon orbit.
Apollo 11 safely blasted out of Moon orbit on its way back to a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean on 24 July 1969.
Moon orbit - The orbital characteristics of Earth's Moon.
Later in 1968, a NASA astronaut took an Earth photo from Moon orbit, which became the Catalog's next front image in spring 1969.
He'd seen the radioactive cleanup of the water systems finally complete itself when Crane freighters hauled all the waste into a Moon orbit, then slingshot it toward the Sun.
Charged with conducting a live television broadcast from Moon orbit on Christmas Eve, Colonel Borman rose to the moment and reached for the best material.
Moon orbit the planet.