He had more than one hundred thousand armed, plainclothes Morale Monitors and uniformed Peacekeepers.
Sir, the Morale Monitors have been in place for a long time.
The Morale Monitors are all on the take, it seems.
The door had barely shut when it opened again and the Morale Monitor gestured her in with a nod.
The Morale Monitors lost them after the women led them to what the MMs thought was the Co op.
A high ranking Morale Monitor was about to carry out an order from the potentate himself.
But he couldn't quite tell if they were military, GC, Morale Monitors, peasants, people from the city, or what.
They've farmed out your surveillance to two Morale Monitors.
Morale Monitors shot him to death.
How many of you know Peacekeepers and Morale Monitors who have been called there?